corso reginna - Effepiu | Futuri Progetti Urbani

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corso reginna

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Giovanni Bello


Comune di Maiori
Area Tecnica con sede presso gli Uffici Comunali Reginna n. 71 in Maiori
Tel:   089814227
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CORSO REGINNA | Maiori | Italia - 2012



Riqualificazione paesaggistica e ambientale di Corso Reginna e Via Roma - 5th Place


Maiori [SA] - Italy


Comune di Maiori




The theme of the Competition is the landscaping and environmental of Corso Reginna and Via Roma in Maiori. The element that most impressed the design group is given by the sinuous shape that characterizes this city street, a trail that takes you from the river bed below the road name itself. Not an easy road, not just a course but a real ecological corridor, memory of the place to be upgraded and enhanced.
It became immediately clear need to give back, through a careful design of the course, the character of public space par excellence which is a street in the urban form.
Simultaneity of the environment, disruption, dismantling objects, scattering and fusion of parts, all released by a common logic and independent of each other. With these words Boccioni described his work The road enters the house to the Futurist exhibition in Paris in 1912. The title exemplifies the environment and atmosphere that the Italian Futurists Boccioni and others sought, namely the merger between body, architecture and infrastructure as if it melted in the air. The streets are public space of any settlement, the "empty" space needed for each constructed. The regeneration of these elements, fundamental to the structure and design of urban form, a theme is more timely than ever that involves several municipalities.

It is also clear that this course is not only an "infrastructure" but also has its own man-made ecological nature: a single-aisle that identity to the place, a sign of its history, the sign of the landscape. From these elements we have developed a working hypothesis that allowed us to one side to eliminate any type of architectural barriers and by 'another would allow the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic with simple steps: alignment of the level of the pedestrian area with the driveway, the transformation of open spaces along the course in real places as meeting places. With this design in fact it should be to increase the pedestrian areas to the full advantage of the availability and quality of the places.
The idea is to create a public space shared by all citizens and tourists  to use the services  and resources available on the course . One of the difficulties that emerged during the design is given by existing roads . It was decided to keep both underdriveways  but diversify  through the materials used : from Corso Reginna to Via Roma has been maintained asphalt pavement  interspersed  by white  concrete  inserts  that reshape  the entire course , vice versa it is designed  to pave  the other  direction in colored concrete . This  would allow  the smooth  traffic flow  at present  is the rethinking of  the same in a future pedestrian and bicycle use only.

The project objectives are: to overcome the contingent nature of choices that have occurred over time and that caused the current condition, create an urban space unit available to the uses of the city and not only mobility, easily guiding the flows of different users, update the geometry and dimensions for reestablishing adjust your current space to the role of 'city gate'. The versatility of these spaces and control of different mobility streams that flow through them is resolved by multi-functional platforms in colored concrete (pedestrian and traffic control), which not only differ from asphalt surfaces viabilistiche specifically, can accommodate plateatici, small fairs, temporary exhibitions and markets. These surfaces suitably shaped guide the rainwater drains into the linear spaces spanning longitudinally, and respond to the choice of articulating criteria through the open space of fluidity and continuity of physical and perceptual, minimizing areas of poor visibility and making it easier for whenever possible, the safety of the premises.



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